

    Mr. Lonterberg:

    We have reached a consensus on the price of the products, but you strongly hope that all the transportation costs will be borne by us during the transportation of the products. If the cost is relatively low during the transportation of the products, we won't mind. However, the quantity and tonnage of this type of agricultural machinery products you purchased are large, so it is entirely up to us to bear this series of products. Transportation costs are not achievable.

    Your company probably knows little about the sea freight of LCL. Here we can make a detailed introduction. In the process of product transportation, the unit of measurement is ton, which is different from some small pieces. In the process of transportation, because of its less weight, the cost is relatively low. For various types of products such as agricultural diesel engines, the tonnage is heavier, so the fee paid is heavy. Use is higher. Because this type of product is packed with wooden boxes and other types of packing in the transportation process, its transportation cost will be higher. In the transportation process, it is calculated according to the gross weight of the goods. For example, the unit of the harvester you purchased is harvester 2 = unit basic freight * 784. Although it can also be calculated according to its volume in transportation, the agricultural machinery category. The volume of Type I products is often larger, so according to the volume charged for agricultural machinery type products, harvester = unit basic freight (MTQ)x (246 x 145). By calculating above, we can know that the total transportation cost of these products is very high. If this type of cost is borne by our company, our company can hardly obtain it in this transaction. Profit, therefore, in this transaction, we will be responsible for the relevant insurance costs, and transport costs are expected to be borne by your company. If there is no objection, we can sign relevant agreements with the other party. We will ship the goods to Dalian Port before April 20 and deliver them between April 21 and 25.




    这篇信函中该外贸企业并没有拖泥带水的在谁付出运输费用方面做太多纠结,而是重点讲到了“For example, the unit of harvester you purchased is harvester 2 = unit basic freight * 784. Although it can also be calculated according to its volume in transportation, the volume of agricultural machinery products is often larger, so the method of calculating fees according to the volume of agricultural machinery products is harvester = unit basic freight * 246 * 145.”虽然并没有解释太多的问题,却将如何进行运输费用的计算和对方企业进行了沟通,这样对方企业就能够了解到如果在此次运输中,该外贸企业承担所有的运输费用,会导致其产品销售成本追加,因此想要达成这一类型的交易是非常困难的,因此对方的企业在看到这一类型费用支出的额度之后,不会贸然再次提出让产品销售方支付这一类型的费用问题,可见拼箱海运费计算方法和对方企业进行沟通之后,能够让对方企业了解实际运输费用相关,让对方消除误解,这样后期交易才能够更为顺利。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/24533


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