



    Mr. Abraham Khan

    Your company has had a preliminary understanding of the tableware category products sold by our company at the exhibition before. In order to open up the American market, our company would like to enter into business relations with your company. Therefore, we offer you a 5% discount on the basic quotation. We offer you a set of Jingdezhen porcelain bowls for 18 yuan, a set of Jingdezhen porcelain plates for 25 yuan, um, ceramics. Cheese grill for 22.8 yuan. Are the three of us here? Stainless steel fork 6.5 yuan, stainless steel knife 7.2 yuan. Stainless steel steak knife and fork two pieces, 11.5 yuan a set. Simple black-line steak dishes cost 38.8 yuan each. Creative breakfast, Western dishes 16.5 yuan a creative steak plate 18 yuan a. Gold plated relief steak knives and forks 150 yuan a set. Compared with the initial offer, this offer offers a 3.5% discount for each product.

    Christmas is approaching now in Britain, Germany, the United States and Australia, and many other countries are in advance of the stock. The demand for starting tableware products is very high. Our company is actively stocking up for many companies, full-time production, still in short supply. If your company is satisfied with our quotation for this product, please let us have a deposit of 750,000 yuan by December 15. In our company account, we will arrange production time for the products ordered from December 17 to December 18 and deliver the products ordered by you to Dalian Port between December 21 The transportation cost of the products sold is borne by us, and the corresponding insurance cost is borne by you.




    从上述信函中可以看到该外贸公司重点提到了“As Christmas is approaching the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, Australia and many other countries, vendors are preparing in advance. The demand for kitchen and tableware products is very high. Our company is actively stocking up for a number of companies, producing full-time products, and still in short supply.”之所以提到这些,意在让客户有紧迫感,这种营销方式和国内产品销售所使用的影响方式没有本质不同,需要注意,该外贸企业之所以提到这些是作为铺垫,之后的才是重点,信函中接着提到“Our company will arrange production for the products ordered by our company from December 17 to December 18, and deliver the products ordered by your company to Dalian Port from December 21The transportation cost of the products sold will be borne by us and the corresponding insurance cost will be borne by you.”美国大众对于圣诞节都是非常重视的,很多家庭在圣诞季到来之际都会大采买,而在这一阶段厨房用具的销售额度都很高,因为节日到来关系,所以在这一阶段所销售的新款厨房产品销售价格都要比平日高很多,能够为产品销售企业带来更多利益。无论任何销售商,产品销售的最终目的无非是获得更多利润,厨房用具新品上市,而且产品赶制时间在圣诞节前夕,无疑能够给销售商带来巨大收益,在这样的诱惑下如何催用户付定金问题自然也就迎刃而解了。想要让用户更早下定金,就一定要关注到用户所关心的问题,而客户产品销售过程中盈利多少问题无疑是用户最为关心的话题,想要让用户尽早交定金,就一定要抓住客户心理,并且关注到给销售商客户最多实惠,当然除了如上的重点之外,也需要关注到细节问题,这些细节问题存在于多层面中,例如产品销售方所在国家,区域,该地区用户的文化习惯等等,这些都对客户支付定金情况有所影响,资深外贸企业在和客户初次沟通时就会关注到这些问题,并且组好详细调查,这是资深外贸企业在行业竞争中总是占据先机的关键所在。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/19291


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