    工作邮件的2个核心原则 原则一、尽量简短,直奔主题: 第一句话就应该直截了当地告诉对方,发这封邮件的目的是什么。我会更新一系列这样的特辑,希望能帮助书面英语不太好的小伙伴提升一个level!没有空间降价可以用no room 2.这款在你们的市场很畅销。

    ️举例: 当货期延误

    错误示范:Our factory confirmed that the orders will be 2 days late, so we have to wait after our holiday. But luckily our factory just has 2 days off and then they will be back to normal operation. We will send the goods to your forwarder warehouse on Monday, pls rest assured that. 

    正确示范:We shall send the goods to your forwarder warehouse next Monday. Will update you when it arrives. ️客户提问的重点是我什么时候可以收到货,错误示范没有将【什么时候】放在开头,甚至把重点放在了最后。然后前面长篇大论说订单会有2天延迟,工厂放了几天假等等。 

    邮件的时候,把自己想像成战场上的zhen cha兵,敌人的火力当前,手里信号断断续续的,要用最短的时间把所看到的情况汇报给友军,这时候,就不能容许任何的废话了。 


    原则一、尽量简短,直奔主题: 第一句话就应该直截了当地告诉对方,发这封邮件的目的是什么。 



    比如你们有包税渠道,解决客户清关问题: We can handle shipments directly from China to your place, door to door delivery with duty. 

    比如你们有库存,没有起定量限制: We have stock for this model. There's no quantity minimum. 

    外贸沟通时,英语表达不地道,在和英语比较好的客户(尤其母语是英语的客户)交流,确实会吃亏。 因为词不达意,或者口吻会没把握好,常常会陷入僵局,或者没有真正解决问题。 我会更新一系列这样的特辑,希望能帮助书面英语不太好的小伙伴提升一个level!



    中式英语:Our profit is very low in this order. No way to reduce the price. ✅We operate this order on a very slim profit margin. There is no room for reduction

    注: 🔹形容利润微薄可以用thin, slim 或者narrow来形容 🔹No way 很粗鲁很直接,容易中伤谈判气氛。没有空间降价可以用no room 


    中式英语:This model sells well in your market. ✅This product finds a ready market in your country. 注:find a ready market 销路很好 


    中式英语:Our products reach export standard. ✅Our products are up to standard for export. 注: be up to standard 达到标准


    中式英语: When I have the tracking number, I will send you. ✅I’ll send you the tracking number when it is available. ✅A tracking number will be sent to you when your order is shipped. 


    中式英语:Anyquestions pleaselet us know.We are always here. Iremain at your disposition for any questions Iam at your disposal for any questions. If you have any questions, we are on standby to answer you.  注:remain at one's disposition=beat one's disposal=be on standby.

    中式英语:Pleaseseethe details as follow: Details are as follows: Please see details below: 注:asfollows不要忘记follows的s,而 below则不用加s 


    中式英语:Howdoyoufeelabout our product? How do you think about our product? We will appreciate your comments on the products we supplied. Iwonder if you could give me your feedback for our products.

    7.在开会或者日常沟通时:你觉得怎么样?你 意下如何? 

    中式英语:Howabout youridea? I'd like to hear your thoughts. What do you think? Your insight would be highly appreciated.(正式书面) Are there any thoughts you'd like to share? 


    中式英语:Thispriceis very suitable. You will find our price appropriate. 


    中式英语:Ourproducts reach export standard. Our products are up to standard for export.

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/107528


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